
To our valued clients

As you would be aware an ever-increasing number of Australian, and worldwide, businesses are being affected by the COVID-19 Pandemic. With the business landscape changing hour to hour, we are currently working on contingency plans in the event that the Sanctuary 28 office is forced to close for a period of time due to a staff member contracting the virus, or due to government directives. Thankfully, administration wise Sanctuary 28 have been set up as remote work capable for some time. In addition, our extended team of trades and suppliers have access to relevant project/site specific information via our digital platform ‘PROCORE’.

At this point in time we are fully staffed and are open for business as normal. Given that we are Principal Contractors, and heavily rely on our group of suppliers and trades, it would be naïve to expect no disruption in our productivity and supply chains. The situation is fluid and changing on the daily, so we will do our best to keep you up to date with any changes that impact on our business and our service to you.

Adapting to current climate;

We will be vigilant in our face-to-face interactions with our customers, suppliers and contractors by following advice from the health professionals to apply social distancing and ensure that we adopt good hygiene practices. We would ask that you also follow the professional advice.

Meetings / On-site Visits - (By appointment only)

  • If you are experiencing a fever, flu like symptoms, respiratory infection or have travelled overseas within the last 14 days you are not to attend site.

To reduce the spread of germs in the workplace:

  • Stay at home if you are sick

  • No handshaking and other physical greetings

  • Where possible meetings to be held via video conferencing or phone call

  • Large face-to-face meetings to be deferred

  • Hold essential meetings outside in the open air if possible

  • Promote good hand and cough/sneeze hygiene

We will do our best to keep you informed of any delays to your project’s program or operational changes within our business.

Regards, Don Cotterill